English Explorers

Englisch entdecken – für  Schulkinder im Alter von 6 bis 10 Jahren.

Der Fokus des Kurses richtet sich auf Konversation und das Erlernen von Vokabeln, die im Alltag nützlich sind. Zusätzlich werden die Kinder auch einige Schreib- und Lesefähigkeiten erlernen. Es werden Spiele gespielt, Lieder gesungen, geschrieben und gezeichnet.

Der Kurs findet ausschließlich auf Englisch statt, es wird kein Deutsch gesprochen.

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Kursleitung: Barbara Vitrai

I am a CELTA certified English language trainer and I have been teaching English to children and adults in the past 5 years. Having lived and graduated high school in the US, I am a near native speaker of English. I have 4 children, and they all learned English naturally, it is a part of our lives. We have lived in Vienna for over 7 years.

In the 2019/2020 school year, I worked as an English Teacher at a private Montessori school in Vienna. During this time, I completed the AMI Elementary Assistant Course, and made observations in a Montessori classroom.

In the past 2 years, I worked with several children’s groups in three elementary schools, as well as a kindergarten group. In addition, I support children of all ages on their adventures with the English language.

I believe my role in the classroom is to provide a safe environment in which children can thrive and achieve their full potential. Using a wide range of homeschooling material and having needs driven lessons allows young learners to have a positive experience with the new language, while also having fun. To make lessons memorable, I enjoy playing games, singing songs and saying rhymes, reading stories to children, as well as doing arts and crafts.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my children, hiking in Wienerwald, doing yoga or visiting one of the many museums in Vienna.

Infos zur Teilnahme: 

Wann: Mittwoch, 15:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Wo: Der Nebensitz, Linzerstrasse 365, 1140 Wien

Preis: € 315,- für ein Semester (15 Einheiten)


18.9. / 25.9. / 2.10. / 9.10. / 16.10. / 23.10. / 6.11. / 13.11. / 20.11. / 27.11. / 4.12. / 11.12. / 18.12.2024
8.1. / 15.1. 2025
(Ersatztermine: 22.1. / 29.1.2025 – bei Absage der Kursleiterin)